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Milder than Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh supports the female reproductive system, providing soothing help during menopause.

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Improve your respiratory, digestive and immune systems with the blood-purifying compounds in burdock. It helps protect the liver against toxins.

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Butchers used to sweep off their cutting blocks with this herb. It is rich in flavonoids that help strengthen blood vessels.

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NSP Capsicum stimulates digestion and enhances blood flow, improving circulation.

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Cascara Sagrada helps cleanse the colon of damaging toxins and waste.

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Cascara Sagrada helps cleanse the colon of damaging toxins and waste.

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This feline favorite contains natural minerals and vitamins that supports the nervous and immune systems.

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Taking chamomile is a known to soothe nerves and promote restful sleep.

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Chickweed is used to support the urinary and glandular systems. It may help with fat digestion and appetite regulation.

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Chlorophyll helps support the body's blood-cleansing functions and strengthens the immune and intestinal systems. Available in capsules for those who prefer the same.

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Your urinary system deserves some love. Cornsilk provides toning, soothing support to the urinary system.

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Strengthen your body's daily defenses. Rich in powerful antioxidants, this extract supports a healthy inflammatory response as it nourishes the immune, circulatory and glandular systems.

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