Hyper Kids
How well do we know this: a child can't sit still for longer than one minute, can't concentrate on what it's doing at the moment "doesn't pay attention" at school, which unfortunately can be seen on the report card, requests constant attention while doing homework. To be brief the child is"hyper..." Doctors prescribe Ritalin, drug-like poison. Parents in despair, grab their hair and scream "I can't take this any more!!!"
There is a solution...
Herbalist tried in the past many herbs to help children. We know ginkgo biloba, melissa, cammommille, valerian, or differnet combinations of these. But this really works!!!
Nature's Sunshine FOCUS ATTENTION provides nutrients that are essential for normal brain-stimulation levels while supporting blood circulation and neurotransmitters in the brain. This special formulation helps protect the body from exposure to toxic chemicals, food additives, pesticides, etc. Focus Attention contains Ginkgo biloba, DMAE and Melissa officinalis for normal brain stimulation. DMAE is naturally produced biosubstance in the brain, which changes choline into acetylcholine. This process enables behavioral correction, linked to Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder, reduces agression, boosts concentration, memory, helps in learning.
Tests on DMAE were conducted in France and USA. In frech tests 1200 mg of substance was used per 24 hours for 5 days in a double blind study, where only one pill will contain the agent being tested; the other pill will be a placebo. In a double-blind study, the evaluator of the results would not know which subjects got the placebo (a substance with no medical values, may be sugar pills or starch pills) until his or her evaluation of observed results was completed. American tests were conducted on kids with HADD (Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder). All results were positive and promising as to DMAE and its value in natural cure for behavioral problems in kids.
Focus Attention encourages restful, balanced mental activity and it's available in capsules and a great-tasting powder drink mix. Recomended usage depends on the age of the child. Focus Attention can be used by adults as well, in relatively higher dosages.
Over 12 years: Take 2 capsules with a meal twice daily, or take 3/4 teaspoon powder mixed in 2 oz. water twice daily. Age 6-11 years: Take 1 capsule with a meal twice daily, or take 1/2 teaspoon powder in 1.5 oz. water twice daily. Age 3-6 years: Mix 1/4 teaspoon in 1 oz. water twice daily. Under age 3: Consult your health care professional. Focus Attention should be taken with food. Pregnant or lactating women or anyone taking prescription medication should consult a health care professional prior to use. For a success, it is important, that Focus Attention be taken on regular basis.